Tell your inspiration

What are the realities of trying to prevent or control diabetes? In your life, family, and/or community? What about this inspires you? Is it a person, an experience, or something you learned about diabetes?


Inspiration Introduction

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Thankful that I am diabetic - Brian

What's your name?

What lesson you want people to learn about diabetes?
I am an adult now and have been type 1 diabetic from age 11. I have learned to live with this disease for many years (over 35yrs). This disease is an awesome opportunity. For those with diabetes, we learn self-control in ways our non-diabetic friends can't understand. At first I thought it was not fair that everybody got anything they wanted to "eat or do" with no issues, but I could only do limited things. And would always have to take shots to survive, but family and friends didn't have to do that. I tried to sneak things I shouldn't have. I rebelled and did just opposite what I knew was right with the presumption I was probably going to die anyway. I finally questioned, "am I handicapped or invalid"? I would be if I continue- OR - I could be normal and embrace it.

Now I have learned to control the swings, and learned that I can schedule any food I want or eat (candy or cake) as long as I know how many carbs I am going to eat and account for it. We have to also look at total units used each day and average to be same always. Maybe I give up a meal for a salad or green beans if I had cake. I have also learned that when I get low blood sugar, I don't need to eat candy bars that get me way out of balance. A better solution is to take one glucose tablet for every 10 MG DL that I need. So if I am at 40mgdl, then I would take six glucose tablets wait half an hour and then test and rebalance. I can keep my levels always around 100 without any side effects. So far, after 35 years still nothing yet to hold me down. If I want a candy bar, read the total carbs on the wrapper and take the amount of insulin needed, and enjoy a candy bar - but eat less casserole.

Living with diabetes helps my self-esteem, because I know that with proper self-control and use of insulin, I can live a perfectly normal life. And nobody else knows as well how to do that - that is not diabetic. I can also maintain my weight better because I know how many units are used during the day, and if it was a little high, I can eat a little bit less the next day so I can maintain a healthy weight. Those without self-control and a reason to count carbs get fat. Went to a motivational speech by a quadriplegic that told me he was glad not to be diabetic, that he didn't have to give shots every day. He was glad to not use arm or legs. Well I look and act normal to others with minimal drain on their time.

I am thankful that I am diabetic. I would not want it any other way, given the choice now.