It finally happened! after a lot of work, tears and stress I finished my biggest goal so far.
This is the video i have been working on for the past few months, and i couldn't be more relieved with how everything turned out. What next? I'm going to work on my goals of becoming a makeup artist, and then do some really awesome things from here on out. I hope that this video is as enjoyable to watch as it was to make.
Gold Award
Posted by Gen Ellis at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Expo 2013
Today was the diabetes expo in utah. Yay! It went really well and we had sooo many people show. It was great! I was at volunteer check in as always and i was so surprised when i checked this one lady in and she looked at me and said " are you Gen?" She then proceeded to tell me what a huge fan of mine she was and i just couldnt help but feel all warm and fuzzy. I never want to stop touching peoples hearts with these projects. Thank you for all being a part of it. (:
Posted by Gen Ellis at 4:30 PM 0 comments
The good, the bad, and the....weird?
Posted by Gen Ellis at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Not done yet!
I just thought I would post again! I have been really bad about this, high school and sick-being got in the way again. I hope you haven't given up on me! I am required to do a service project for school, and of course I will be supporting the ADA. I am putting together a chap book, I never knew what these were or that they existed until a few months ago. They are small (10-18) page poetry collections. I will be selling them for a few bucks a piece and donating 100% to the ADA. Then of course with expo coming up I will be there! I won't get a kidney infection this year.... On to the poetry note again however, I am officially published! There was a competition a while back that I entered and while I was not in first place, my poem was selected to be in their collection book. I was in a photo-shoot yesterday for girl scouts 100th anniversary and I will get those up as soon as
I have them. On March 12th, there is a flag ceremony at the Utah capitol building and I will be carrying the Oklahoma state flag. If any of you want to come out and support, it is at 4:30. I'm going to work on the paperwork for my gold award soon and then I can get started on my project more!
Posted by Gen Ellis at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Spring is here.
I'm so sorry that I haven't posted much on here. I was really sick towards the end of February. But who is glad for the nice weather? I know I am. That means I can start to get ready for tour de cure thats coming up in two months. Can you believe it? Only two left! And once again I will be riding the 25 mile, and this time my ankle won't get in the way. Lets hope that it doesn't have bad weather again. Three years in a row is good, don't you think? I'm going to get started up on my gold award soon, and once I get the planning all worked out, I'll tell you what it is! Well, I hope you all are having a wonderful time. Happy Easter!
Posted by Gen Ellis at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Life in general
There comes to be a time in a persons life when you realize how important the little things in life are. Or more importantly the little living creatures that you let into your life and call your own. I lost my beloved pet hedgehog. Her name was Laurel, she was four and a half years old and had cancer in her jaw, but she was more than just a pet. She was my mascot. Shortly after I had gotten her my mom found out she had diabetes. She was seriously with me through everything so you can see how saddening this could make me. But I think it makes me feel closer to her because she was here for me. And now, I am here for everyone out there who thinks they are alone. There is a such thing as hope even in everyone's darkest hour.
Posted by Gen Ellis at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Girl Scout Silver Award Speech
When the counsel had their lunch get together for girl scouts getting their silver and gold award, I had the honor of giving a speech.
Posted by UtahDiabetes at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: diabetes, girl scouts, silver award