Tell your inspiration

What are the realities of trying to prevent or control diabetes? In your life, family, and/or community? What about this inspires you? Is it a person, an experience, or something you learned about diabetes?


Inspiration Introduction

Networked Blogs


Gold Award

It finally happened! after a lot of work, tears and stress I finished my biggest goal so far.

This is the video i have been working on for the past few months, and i couldn't be more relieved with how everything turned out. What next? I'm going to work on my goals of becoming a makeup artist, and then do some really awesome things from here on out. I hope that this video is as enjoyable to watch as it was to make.


Expo 2013

Today was the diabetes expo in utah. Yay! It went really well and we had sooo many people show. It was great! I was at volunteer check in as always and i was so surprised when i checked this one lady in and she looked at me and said " are you Gen?" She then proceeded to tell me what a huge fan of mine she was and i just couldnt help but feel all warm and fuzzy. I never want to stop touching peoples hearts with these projects. Thank you for all being a part of it. (:


The good, the bad, and the....weird?


I'm sorry for being MIA again. Things got crazy. I got another hedgehog, her name is Alice. I did a performance in grease, and in a musical review. I'm getting ready to be in theater competition and its great (: I'm in a scene from richard the third (Act four scene four.) As Queen Elizabeth. Hooray! I Also had surgery on November 20th, the morning after Grease closed. I had my gallbladder removed. It was scary and hurt but I was getting attacks frequently and my health in the past few months has much improved. I dont get car sick any more or as dizzy! Crazy huh? Anyways. I am starting my gold award soon. I am going to be doing a film and i am really excited. I hope you guys are still there, and havent given up on me. OH! and in six weeks i am going to new york for theater and choir, and going to Costa Rica in June for girl scouts. Lots of pictures (:


Not done yet!

I just thought I would post again! I have been really bad about this, high school and sick-being got in the way again. I hope you haven't given up on me! I am required to do a service project for school, and of course I will be supporting the ADA. I am putting together a chap book, I never knew what these were or that they existed until a few months ago. They are small (10-18) page poetry collections. I will be selling them for a few bucks a piece and donating 100% to the ADA. Then of course with expo coming up I will be there! I won't get a kidney infection this year.... On to the poetry note again however, I am officially published! There was a competition a while back that I entered and while I was not in first place, my poem was selected to be in their collection book. I was in a photo-shoot yesterday for girl scouts 100th anniversary and I will get those up as soon as
I have them. On March 12th, there is a flag ceremony at the Utah capitol building and I will be carrying the Oklahoma state flag. If any of you want to come out and support, it is at 4:30. I'm going to work on the paperwork for my gold award soon and then I can get started on my project more!


Spring is here.

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted much on here. I was really sick towards the end of February. But who is glad for the nice weather? I know I am. That means I can start to get ready for tour de cure thats coming up in two months. Can you believe it? Only two left! And once again I will be riding the 25 mile, and this time my ankle won't get in the way. Lets hope that it doesn't have bad weather again. Three years in a row is good, don't you think? I'm going to get started up on my gold award soon, and once I get the planning all worked out, I'll tell you what it is! Well, I hope you all are having a wonderful time. Happy Easter!


Life in general

There comes to be a time in a persons life when you realize how important the little things in life are. Or more importantly the little living creatures that you let into your life and call your own. I lost my beloved pet hedgehog. Her name was Laurel, she was four and a half years old and had cancer in her jaw, but she was more than just a pet. She was my mascot. Shortly after I had gotten her my mom found out she had diabetes. She was seriously with me through everything so you can see how saddening this could make me. But I think it makes me feel closer to her because she was here for me. And now, I am here for everyone out there who thinks they are alone. There is a such thing as hope even in everyone's darkest hour.


Girl Scout Silver Award Speech

When the counsel had their lunch get together for girl scouts getting their silver and gold award, I had the honor of giving a speech.